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Welcome to the web-site of the
Association of Surveyors of Papua New Guinea (ASPNG)

ASPNG at East Cape, 2017

The Association of Surveyors of Papua New Guinea (ASPNG) was founded on the 4th May 1960 and is the professional association representing land surveyors in Papua New Guinea. The ASPNG provides a forum for surveyors working in PNG for communication, advocacy, technical support, education and continuing professional development (CPD). The ASPNG advises the Papua New Guinea Government on matters pertaining to surveying, land legislation and the regulation of the profession through the Surveyors Board. The ASPNG also advises the PNG University of Technology on matters concering the education and qualification requirements for practicing surveyors in PNG.

ASPNG Constitution and By-Laws 2020(pdf)
ASPNG Code of Ethics (pdf 17kB)
Co-operation Agreement between the SSSI (Australia & NZ) and ASPNG 2016 (pdf 1545kB)
ASPNG Scale of Fees 2015 (pdf 494kB)

ASPNG Facebook Page


The 56th Association of Surveyors
of Papua New Guinea Congress

Theme: Fostering Innovation in the Surveying Profession and Aligned Fields for Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in PNG and the South Pacific Region

Papua New Guinea University of Technology and
Lae International Hotel
Lae, Morobe Province

14 - 18 October 2024

Integrated GNSS, UAV Workshop and
Exhibitor Spatial Technology Roadshow
14-15 October 2024

School of Surveying and Land Studies, PNG University of Technology
Workshop coordinator: Dr. Richard Stanaway, SSLS, PNGUoT

56th ASPNG Congress
16-18 October 2024

Rose Kekedo Lecture Theatre
PNG University of Technology (Technical sessions, AGM and Forum)
Lae International Hotel (Social Functions)

Congress Flyer

Congress Registration and Call for Papers now open

Congress Contact 2024:

Mr. Navua Allen Kapi
email: navua.kapi@pnguot.ac.pg
ph.(+675) 4734941

Upcoming Events

ASPNG Congress


14-18 October 2024

More info....

© 2010-2024, Association of Surveyors of Papua New Guinea. All rights reserved
Maintained by: Richard Stanaway, Quickclose Pty. Ltd.
Last Updated: 18th July 2024